
First Utility District’s Engineering Department is responsible for managing the current water system and planning for the future. In a high-growth area like West Knoxville, this requires careful attention to detail and creative vision.
The Engineering Department works with developers to ensure enough capacity in the system to supply new growth. Sewer Capacity Reservation fees will go into effect for all basins July 1, 2021. The Sewer Capacity Reservation Fee will ensure adequate capacity for most residential and commercial developments. You can find more information here. Our website guides you through the entire process so that water and sewer connections are handled efficiently and that there are no unnecessary delays.

Our Engineering Department also has responsibility for working with commercial establishments in managing grease in the wastewater system through Grease Trap Inspections. Grease clogs pipes and can damage system components. We also strongly recommend that residential customers take care with grease disposal, especially in colder months. Grease will clog the homeowner’s plumbing system, which can result in significant expense. Residential grease can have a significant impact on the wastewater collection system.


Inspections of new sewer service lines are conducted by our team of qualified inspectors.

Mike Pogue can be reached by phone at 865-740-7802 or email. Doyle Noe can be reached by phone at 865-777-2531 or email.Chris McCarter can be reached by phone at 865-279-6650 or email.

GIS and Mapping
Need a map of any part of our district? Email us!