Water Distribution
We Make Sure Water Arrives at Your Home.
We don’t just produce clean water. We take care of the complex network of pipes that carries it to your home. Not only do First Utility District crews perform routine repair and maintenance of District water lines, they also read meters (AMR) and set water meters for new customers.
Are One of Our Crews Working on Your Property?
They are there to help. If you see our crews working on your property, please note that they have a legal right to be there, and they are trained to be as unobtrusive as possible. Repairs to lawns and driveways will be performed as quickly as possible after work is completed.
Can We Help?
Notice a Water Leak?
If you notice a water leak and need your water turned off, please contact our customer service department immediately at (865) 966-9741.
Our water is sampled and tested regularly by means of flushing waterlines. Flushing and sampling occurs on a periodic basis as well as following any waterline repair. If you notice any unusual taste or odor to your water, please contact our office for assistance.
If you notice a water leak and need your water turned off, please contact our customer service department immediately at (865) 966-9741.
Utility Locate
First Utility District is a member of the Tennessee One-Call line location system. If you need water or wastewater mains located, please call 1-800-351-1111.
Note: Please be aware that First Utility District will only provide utility locating services for main lines.