First Utility District will hold our monthly Board of Commissioners Meeting in the main conference room, which can be entered through our lobby. This meeting is open to the public.
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To serve you better, we have upgraded our Customer Portal.
This new upgrade has improved features and security enhancements.
Current users will be required to have an alphanumeric User ID that includes a mix of both letters and numbers. If you currently log in using your account number, you will now need to use all digits of the number in this format: 0000000-000. If you plan to use the smartphone app, your password needs to be no more than 10 characters.
To serve you better, we have upgraded our Customer Portal.
This new upgrade has improved features and security enhancements.
Current users will be required to have an alphanumeric User ID that includes a mix of both letters and numbers. If you currently log in using your account number, you will now need to use all digits of the number in this format: 0000000-000. If you plan to use the smartphone app, your password needs to be no more than 10 characters.