Everett Rd. Tank and Booster Station
Turkey Creek B-Line Sewer Improvements
FUD has designed the replacement of an existing sewer trunk main following the North Fork of Turkey Creek, generally along the Campbell Station Road corridor between Turkey Creek Road and the Village Green Subdivision. This project is the first phase of two scheduled...
Keller Bend “A” Pump Station Replacement
FUD is replacing an existing sewer pump station in the Mariners Point subdivision at the southern end of Keller Bend Road. The project is a scheduled life cycle replacement to provide reliable sewer service for the service area. Work began in early 2024 and is...
Fox Road Sewer System Improvements
FUD is constructing a sewer system upgrade on Fox Road beginning at Fox Cove Road. The line replacement will continue up Fox Road and between Pipkin Lane and Pellissippi Parkway. Work is set to begin in early August and will continue through the end of 2024. Customers...
Ebenezer Sewer Basin Improvements
Start Date: March 1, 2022 Completion Date: December 2024 Ebenezer Sewer Basin Improvements will increase sewer capacity in the Ebenezer Basin. First Utility District’s contractor will be building a new sewer pump station at Little Creek Lane, a new sewer pump station...
You Beat the Peak!
We just wanted to say, “thank you!” Because of your participation, year one of the “Beat the Peak” alternate-day irrigation policy was a success! The early morning water peak reduced from 60 million gallons to 30 million gallons. What does that mean for you? Your...
First Utility District has a New Member Portal to Better Serve our Customers
New upgrade features: Easier navigation Conforms to multiple devices Select alerts for billing and outages Shows recent login activity IMPORTANT LOGIN INFORMATION Our new Member Portal website has new security enhancements. You may use the same username and password...
Beat the Peak – First Utility’s New Irrigation Policy
First Utility District Announces New Alternate Day Irrigation Policy to Avoid Raising Rates, Saving Millions! First Utility District's new irrigation schedule will save the district tens of millions of dollars in upgrades. How? By avoiding the water peak. Have you...